dissabte, 12 de maig del 2012


Humans are omnivorous, so they eat everything, vegetable, fruits, meat, etc. At the beginning of the times, when our ancestors were omnivorous, they had to hunted to survived, but was a natural law. Our ancestors killed animal to survived, to eat and to skin it, but another animal could kills they to survived.

Nowadays, animals continue living like our ancestors, killing to survived and with danger to be killed by another animal. But humans are too much, and we kill a huge number of animals to eat, and we have exterminated a lot of species for that. I eat meat because I'm a human and I love eat meet, and being vegetarian I wouldn't sort out anything. But I haven't got the power to control that, and we will continue killing to exterminate all animals for the selfishness of live and reproduce our specie.

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