dijous, 17 de novembre del 2011

A 200 empty pages Book is a success

The british Sheridan Simove published a book called What Every Man Thinks About Apart From Sex, with 200 empty pages.

This book is a success in United Kingdom, and the students buy it to write on the empty pages.

Sheridan Simove says that the book is a result of investigations and studies about the subject since 39 years ago. That was the conclusion.

I think that it's an stupid book, but it's originally too, and contradictory, because as book is an object that you buy or find to reed. A book with all empty pages is stupid. In my opinion, the book could't be on the market.

1 comentari:

  1. I agree with you Sebas: the book is a nonsense, but it's still worse the people who spend their money on it. I wouldn't certainly buy it!!!

    by the way next term don't forget to link the news comments to the original news sources.

