I can't choose anyone of my posts, because I can see enyone better that the others. But I'm obliged to do this post and I must do it. So I will choose the COMUNISM PRIMITIVE:
In this one I have a good structre. To start, I give an introduction, and after I explain my arguments in support and finally, a conclussion.
The vocabulary that I use I think that it's standar and with some phrasal vers, and is in order
The oral presentation that I choose the first oral presentations.
This one have the same features from the other post that I chose:
It's an oral presentation with a good structure, with an intruction, a body and finally a conclution. When I talk the other people can understund mw without problems and the vocabulary is standar and in order.
In my opinion, and how I saw, I can comunicate with other people in english, and talking with the other persons I will improve my lenguage.
dimecres, 16 de maig del 2012
My English progress from 2010-2012
In these two ear of bachillerat, I learn to write in english better that before. Since the first email to the teacher and my last composition I can see that I can you more expressions, and connectors and more vocabulary. But until I don't know the perfect structure of writings, I must study it.
About my oral presentations, I think that my oral presentations have been good and ever have been the same. I'm happy for that.
When I started Bachillerat I was used to the english because I love travel a lot, and I am the composer of the songs from Asterium, my band, and we talk in english and in Latin. And I have to talk with promoters and people from the world of metal in english, and ever I'm practicing. But, I don't know the reason, in class I never talk in english. After this two years, my english is better.
About my oral presentations, I think that my oral presentations have been good and ever have been the same. I'm happy for that.
When I started Bachillerat I was used to the english because I love travel a lot, and I am the composer of the songs from Asterium, my band, and we talk in english and in Latin. And I have to talk with promoters and people from the world of metal in english, and ever I'm practicing. But, I don't know the reason, in class I never talk in english. After this two years, my english is better.
diumenge, 13 de maig del 2012
UN warns about violations of children's human rights
More than 90 countries had legalized the corporal punishment, including smacking, to stone, limb's amputations to discipline children that had done a crime.
UN said that deprive of freedom children and punish them with strong punishment, mustn't be good for discipline, and it's a violation of their human rights.
I don't know how to think about that. In my opinion we hav to punish children, but we haven't punish with strong punishment like these.
U.N. passes resolution condemning Iran human rights abuses with record amount of votes
The UN General Assembly on Monday passed an annual resolution condemning human rights abuses in Iran with a record number of votes in support.
They condemn the use of strangle to kill condemned, the attacks to the human rights's defenders, the gender differences, and the persecution of religious minorities.
They condemn Korea for the lack of freedom and the recruitment of kids for the army.
When we see the history of the civilization, we can see that people have been worried about their physical. The tendencies has changes, for example, at the times of Rubbens, fat women was preferences than thin women, because was a sign of power. Now, the perfect body is the thin body.
Nowadays, the perfect body of women is an skeleton, and thats it's horrible. I think that the perfect body is with curves.
In my opinion, people have to be how they want, and if someone loves eat fast food and he is fat, he have to be proud. It's disgraceful that be fat is something immoral.
The end...
We are on our last week of the last year. This year have been so fast and, with the last year, have been the best year. This is my 7th year at IES Castellò d'Empuries, and I have great memories of my years in ESO, but the best years have been the bachillerat years, because I have good marks and I met great persons.
Last year I passed all subjects with good marks, and this year I'm passing subjects with good marks too. I'm not worried about the mark for next year because I will study Arqueology in Barcelona, and I need just a 6/14. A lot of students are worried for selectivity, but I'm not worried because are exams about something that we done, we haven't got to study, we have to review.
Last year, a lot of indignant people from Spain started to camp on public squares, like Plaça Catalunya, Barcelona, or La Puerta del Sol, Madrid. Was a huge movement and people thought that this movement would work. At the end, riot police sweeped the squares using the force.
Ever I thought that this movement was completely useless. Nowadays people have peace on their heads so much, and we are humans, and we are an animal that can't live without war, war is our way to live. If we see the history, we can see that systems change by violent revolutions.
On our time, people is so peaceful and they can't change anything with their demonstration. With violent revolutions we can't arrive to something better, we have proved every kind of systems and anyone works.
A year later, indignant's movement has start again. I don't understand it, after the defeat of the last year, they want to do it again.
Society is like a tree. With this kind of movement maybe we can cut a branch, but will grow another branch that will bother us.
Ever I thought that this movement was completely useless. Nowadays people have peace on their heads so much, and we are humans, and we are an animal that can't live without war, war is our way to live. If we see the history, we can see that systems change by violent revolutions.
On our time, people is so peaceful and they can't change anything with their demonstration. With violent revolutions we can't arrive to something better, we have proved every kind of systems and anyone works.
A year later, indignant's movement has start again. I don't understand it, after the defeat of the last year, they want to do it again.
Society is like a tree. With this kind of movement maybe we can cut a branch, but will grow another branch that will bother us.
dissabte, 12 de maig del 2012
Humans are omnivorous, so they eat everything, vegetable, fruits, meat, etc. At the beginning of the times, when our ancestors were omnivorous, they had to hunted to survived, but was a natural law. Our ancestors killed animal to survived, to eat and to skin it, but another animal could kills they to survived.
Nowadays, animals continue living like our ancestors, killing to survived and with danger to be killed by another animal. But humans are too much, and we kill a huge number of animals to eat, and we have exterminated a lot of species for that. I eat meat because I'm a human and I love eat meet, and being vegetarian I wouldn't sort out anything. But I haven't got the power to control that, and we will continue killing to exterminate all animals for the selfishness of live and reproduce our specie.
Tim Berners-Lee urges government to stop the snooping bill
The british goverment have plans to control the access to internet of the citizens. Tim berners-Lee, creator of the web page, has announced that these plans can destroy the human rights.
Controling the access to internet of the people, the goverment can know private things about people, and this thing doesn't fulfill the right of privacy of citizens.
I think that these plans are so extreme, because humans are controled, but control the access of internet is too. The only freedom that exists nowadays is the freedom of think, but silly people or weak people, is easy to "wash" their heads and change their thoughts.
Controling the access of internet, the british people will not express their feelings or their ideologies, the freedom in Britain will be over.
Controling the access to internet of the people, the goverment can know private things about people, and this thing doesn't fulfill the right of privacy of citizens.
I think that these plans are so extreme, because humans are controled, but control the access of internet is too. The only freedom that exists nowadays is the freedom of think, but silly people or weak people, is easy to "wash" their heads and change their thoughts.
Controling the access of internet, the british people will not express their feelings or their ideologies, the freedom in Britain will be over.
C/Ampurias 7B
20th April 2012
Mr. President Obama
White House, Washington DC
United States
Dear Mr. President, I am writing this letter to explai to you my opinion on human rights.
The human is an animal that has to live in group, but he doesn't know how to live in group. People think that Human Rights are inside us since birth, but they are just an invention to try to live in society. I reapet, human can't live in society, so human rights are innecessary.
On the other hand, I have to say that just one human right should exist: Respect all the animals and the land, that gave us life, and now we are destroying ir.
I don't expect anything positive to come of this letter, but I am just explaining my opinion, the reality.
Yours sincerely.
Suba Sebolla
dimarts, 8 de maig del 2012
Thousands years ago, our ancestors from Africa started to immigrate to other lands. Thousands years after, appeared the first cities, with little groups of people that wanted live on one place without move. At this moment started the feeling of nationalism, the love to the place where they born.
Since this moment, feeling of nationalism has being rising. We can see it on the ancient Greece, where there were independent cities (polis), with the same culture, language, religion, but with a different place on the territory. They fought for their cities againts the others.
We can see it too on the ancient Rome, on the Colonialism, etc. Today we can see that soldiers continue dying for their countries, dying for flags, dying for a piece of cloth.
Nowadays, nationalism is stupid, because our ancestors are all immigrants. An exemple is USA, they are so patriotics, with a strong feeling of nationalist and a great pride of be americans. But how everyone knows, america is a country founded by immigrants.
Frontiers are another stupid consequence of nationalism. Someone from a country, who decides to travel to another country to live there, have a lot of problems.
The land is from everyone, and we are from the earth, not from the invented countries.
dilluns, 7 de maig del 2012
Human rights are commonly understood as
"inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled
simply because she or he is a human being." Human rights are thus
conceived as universal (applicable everywhere) and egalitarian (the same for
everyone). These rights may exist as natural rights or as legal rights, in both
national and international law.
This is the definition that leaders give to
the people, giving them false rights to try to live in group and the feeling of
pride to be humans.
Human rights are just an inventing by leaders,
maybe to try to live in peace, maybe to look that they are moral. However,
Human Rights will never fulfill.
On one hand, these rights gives to humans the
feeling of superiority againts the other kinds of life, because they have
rights, being "intelligent" animals and not wild. Humans thinks that
these rights are inside of us, but, how I did before, are just an inventing.
On the other hand, I think that should be
exist just one right that is inside ourselves, and humans don't know it:
Respect all kind of animals, and respect our land, that gave us the live.
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