dimecres, 29 de febrer del 2012

NEWS: 14-year-old Oregon girl dies after inhaling helium

Ashley Long was a student of 14 years old who lived in Eagle Point, Oregon, EUA. Ashley lied her parents saying that she would go to a sleepover last Saturday, but she went to a party hosted by a friend's big sister, where there were alcohol, marihuana and helium.

Ashley's stepfather said that Ashley didn't want to inhale helium, but she did it for the pressure of her friends. And her friends put a mask up to her face. They said it would be OK. "It's not going to hurt you. It'll just make you laugh and talk funny"

After moments, Ashley died.

If helium inserts on blood, can be irreparable.


I think that it's bad luck, because a little part of people that inhale helium, dies. But I think too that the girl was a little silly, because if you don't want to do something, you haven't do it for friends, you have to be your self. Here we can see the typic case of why teenagers start to smoke or drunk.


dimarts, 28 de febrer del 2012



Hey, a listened this song for first time we I was 14 years old. I love it, it's a hymne of thrash metal, for the lyrics, the faster drums, and the extreem guitar riffs.
I have got tattooed "Slayer" on my arm

I'm agree with you my dear Simon. There are a lot of silly people that are looking for love every day, and that it's a mistake. We shouldn't search it, and maybe some day we meet a person who we can love.


My TDR is about the study of the similes of the Illiada. The TDR consist of analyze the book and to extract every simil of the Illiada.

I chose this TDR because I love history, Antropology and the epic poems, and was a great oportunity to study this subjects. The book have a lot of similes where compare main characters, objects, and a lot of things of the time of the book, that was the XIIIth century B.C. The main characters are very humans and when you read the book, you can feel indentified with some of theme.

The objectives were:

  1. Ride my knowledge about the epic poems.

  2. Know and search every simile of the Illiada.

  3. Study the terms that found on the similes.

  4. Explain the funtions of the similes.

  5. Know more about the Mycenaean Civilitation.

  6. Write a conclusions.

  7. Know more vocabulary Catalan, Spanish and Greek.

The metodology consist of:

Register every simil on the exel table with the location, the indentity, first and second term in Catalan and Greek, (for Greek, I had to use the dictionary). Anf finally write a conclusion

The structure:

  1. The first part is the introduction of the book, the writer and the context.

  2. The second part is the Exel Table, that after done, is the base of the work.

  3. The thirth is the more longest because I analysed all second terms.

  4. The fourth part is the conclusion.

After analyze all similes we saw that are two different moments, that are "the battle moments" and the "no battle moments". Rhapsodies that talk about battle have a lot of similes, except two rhapsodies, that not talk about battle but explains the plays of the Patroclo`s funeral, (XXIII rhapsody), and the second that explains the movement of the soldiers to the battlefield.

Similes of the battle moments talk about attack, advance and death, and the feelings of angry and courage. The answer of this actions are the fligh and resistence, and the feelings of angry, courage and fear.

Terms used on similes are:

Main characters, like Menelao, Aquiles,etc. and GodsAnimals like lions, panter, wolfs, etc. and Natural phenomenonFor the answer of the actions the second terms are preys or women and children.

One of the objectives was know more about the Mycenaeans, and now I know that was an aristocracy society; Greece was not a country, were different independence cities, where one of them was more important for the economy, that was Micenas; I had learn about the ideologies too; like the ideology of Honor, the courage, and the respect for the enemy. The economy was based on the agriculture, cattle farming.

Another of the objectives was rise my vocabulary, and now I know more vocabulary about Catalan, Spanish and Greek; and now I'm interested on the epic poems like the Odissea or the Eneida.


I think that this time I did it very well, but may be with a power point presentation could be a more beatiful oral presentation.

dilluns, 27 de febrer del 2012


Humans thinks that they are the kings of the universe and all things that exists. This thought is because this kind of animal has evolutionated for millions years, til have a great "intelligence". Since thousand years, humans think that because of having the intelligence, they have the possibility and the obligation to explote the nature and the animals.

Nowadays we can see that humans are killing our world, polluting the planet and wiping every kind of life. If some animal enters to a town, we have to kill him or attack him, but humans don't know that if the animal enters to a town, is because we have conquered his home, building our new homes.

Another problem is the society. Humans can't live alone, and they have to live on group. So, in history we can see that we have proved a lot of systems to live together, but anything works. Now we have the capitalism, and we can see that not works. In this systems have appeared some words that can't exists, like Justice or Injustice. Justice is just the thing that want the leader.

I think that the problem of our society and of our world has been the evolution of the humanity, and because this animal doesn't know live in group, but can't live alone. The problem of the evolution, is that this animal has the intelligence, but he don't know use it.

I respect more the animals than the persons. We are fighting againts the nature, and if we win, we will die.


Nowadays, mobile phones have evolved and now are ''necessary' for life. But recent studies have confirmed that extreme use of mobile phones can be dangerous.

On the one hand, mobile phones have positive things: we can communicate with people of all the world; on decisive moments like accidents, we can call for help; with the new mobile phones we can surf the internet; we can play videogames, we can take photos, and finally, record videos.

On the other hand, mobiles can be addictive for some people; can be dangerous for health; and we can lose money because we have to pay for the use.

In my opinion, I think that mobile phones are handy for the communication, but internet and some new aplicacions are innecessary, and are the cause of the addictions. I disagree with the new use of the mobile phones, because people buy it for the aplications, and not for the original use, to phone.

dimarts, 21 de febrer del 2012


How you can will see on my next publication, I think that evolution has been the problem of the humanity and of the world. It's true that humans can't live alone, but they don't know live together. However, I have thinkin on a possible society system, the Primitive Comunism.

On my theory, population would be concentrated on little towns. Each person would do the job that he can do better. Someone could hunt, another one could produce wine, etc. Markets wouldn't exist because create great problems. Food would be distributed in same parts for each one, or for each family.

On this utopian society, we would respect nature and the other kinds of life, and the only God is the nature, because we have to respect it, nature is which has given us the life.

Another important point are the old persons. Each person, when grow old and he know that is a load for the society, he should go away to the forests, and die there.

This society is completely utopian because to work, humanity shouldn't evolve. Humans who are in my head, are not humans, because they don't want evolve, and they know that they have to respect all kind of life and work together to go on.

On history we can see that the ancient celts lived on this society, but Romans, christianism and the evolution have destroyed it. Now there is no possible to return to this system, and we have to adapt to the capitalism.


I love ancient History, and in special the Ancient Rome. I have been in Rome for 2 times, but I couldn't visit all places or monuments, because there are so many.

The first time was with my mother and my brother, and we stayed a week on the ancient city. We visited the Colisseum, the Vatican, the Roman Forum, and some churches. The second time was with the school and we couldn't visited so much.

Now, after two years since this travelings, I'm studying a lot of Ancient Rome and now I want to go Rome for a week to visit all the monuments and places that I couldn't visited. On the one hand, I want to visit again the Colisseum, the Roman Forums (Augusto, Trajano, etc.), the Augustus' Mausoleum, the Via Apia, the Vatican Museum, etc. On the other hand, I want two days outside of Rome, for visit the Necropolis from Etruria, on the north of Rome; Pompeya, the buried city, and the enter to hell, on Napoles.


Since 2010, me and Monica, who is my best friend and my girlfriend, we travel to somewhere. The first travel was the Interrail. Was a great experience traveling with train through Europe. We went to Paris, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, and Venice, on two weeks.

Last year we went to Edimburgh, Scotland. We chose this country because we love the highlands and the green landscapes from Scotland, and I love the celtic and scotish coulture. We stayed on Edimburgh for a week, we visited a great part of the city, in special the old town, and the last day we went to the loch Ness, seeing the beautiful landscapes of the country.

This year we will go to Ireland, because I love the Irish Pubs and the beautiful landscapes from Ireland, in special the irish cliffs. We don't want to go to just one city or town, we will do another interrail, but this time through Ireland, visiting towns and cities, and drinking Guinness and Murphys!


Oktober Fest is a beer fest celebreated in Munich, Germany, since 1810. The festival is celebreated on the fields of Theresienwiese, near to Munich, on final of September and October. It is one of the most famous events in Germany and is the world's largest fair, with more than 5 million people attending every year. The Oktoberfest is an important part of Bavarian culture. Other cities across the world also hold Oktoberfest celebrations, modeled after the Munich event.

Last year, me and Simon wanted to go, but we couldn't because Simon was 17 years old and his parents prohibited it. This year, Simon is 18 years old and I'm 19, and possibly we will go. We want to go and slip in somewhere (camping, hotels, doesn't matter) drink a lot of beer, and taste new beer. My favorite german beer is Paulaner and Fransiskaner.

COMPOSING NEW ALBUM "Triumphus et Gloria"

ASTERIVM, my band, are composing their second cd, Triumphus et Gloria.

Asterium is a Roman Metal band (Melodic Death Metal with Roman themed). Our lyrics talk about the ancient wars of Rome, about their culture and their mithology. During winter of 2011 Asterium recorded their first album with this themed, Marching to Alesia, and they published it on July 4th. This album have nice reviews. On September 3th Asterium started their tour, and now is touring with Doomination across Catalonia on the ALLIANCE TOUR.

After five months since Marching to Alesia, the band have started to compose their new songs for the album Triumphus et Gloria. At the moment, the new songs are Triumphus et Gloria, Necropolis, and Circus Maximus. This album will be distributed across Spain and some countries of Europe, possibly with help of a record label. Some of the lyrics, including the album's title, are in Latin, the official Roman lenguage.

dilluns, 20 de febrer del 2012

MegaVideo closed down

The FBI from US closed Megavideo and the other pages of Mega(Megaupload, Megaporn) after 2 years of investigation. Megavideo was a digital locker where users could download and upload material, and watch for free films and TV shows.The US justice department filed charges against MegaUpload on January the 19th calling the file-sharing service "international organized criminal enterprise allegedly responsible for massive worldwide online piracy". The Megaupload founder, Kim Dotcom, has been arrested in New Zeland.

I'm a musician and I'm disagree with the SOPA law. I uploaded my cd on megaupload for people that can download it, and now we have to search another web to upload it. There is a lot of people that prefers to have films or cds in compact cd, and another kind of people prefers to see it for free on internet, because they haven't got money, or needn't have the compact cd.