My TDR is about the study of the similes of the Illiada. The TDR consist of analyze the book and to extract every simil of the Illiada.
I chose this TDR because I love history, Antropology and the epic poems, and was a great oportunity to study this subjects. The book have a lot of similes where compare main characters, objects, and a lot of things of the time of the book, that was the XIIIth century B.C. The main characters are very humans and when you read the book, you can feel indentified with some of theme.
The objectives were:
Ride my knowledge about the epic poems.
Know and search every simile of the Illiada.
Study the terms that found on the similes.
Explain the funtions of the similes.
Know more about the Mycenaean Civilitation.
Write a conclusions.
Know more vocabulary Catalan, Spanish and Greek.
The metodology consist of:
Register every simil on the exel table with the location, the indentity, first and second term in Catalan and Greek, (for Greek, I had to use the dictionary). Anf finally write a conclusion
The structure:
The first part is the introduction of the book, the writer and the context.
The second part is the Exel Table, that after done, is the base of the work.
The thirth is the more longest because I analysed all second terms.
The fourth part is the conclusion.
After analyze all similes we saw that are two different moments, that are "the battle moments" and the "no battle moments". Rhapsodies that talk about battle have a lot of similes, except two rhapsodies, that not talk about battle but explains the plays of the Patroclo`s funeral, (XXIII rhapsody), and the second that explains the movement of the soldiers to the battlefield.
Similes of the battle moments talk about attack, advance and death, and the feelings of angry and courage. The answer of this actions are the fligh and resistence, and the feelings of angry, courage and fear.
Terms used on similes are:
Main characters, like Menelao, Aquiles,etc. and GodsAnimals like lions, panter, wolfs, etc. and Natural phenomenonFor the answer of the actions the second terms are preys or women and children.
One of the objectives was know more about the Mycenaeans, and now I know that was an aristocracy society; Greece was not a country, were different independence cities, where one of them was more important for the economy, that was Micenas; I had learn about the ideologies too; like the ideology of Honor, the courage, and the respect for the enemy. The economy was based on the agriculture, cattle farming.
Another of the objectives was rise my vocabulary, and now I know more vocabulary about Catalan, Spanish and Greek; and now I'm interested on the epic poems like the Odissea or the Eneida.
I think that this time I did it very well, but may be with a power point presentation could be a more beatiful oral presentation.