Hi, I'm Sebas. I'm completely sure about my future and my dreams. On the one hand, I will study on the university of Barcelona, for study archaeology, I love the history and the ancient cultures, in special the celts, romans and vikings. I hope to study archaeology and go to another countries to work. On the other hand, I play in my band, Asterium, that is a Roman Metal band, our lryrics talks about the Ancient rome, battles and culture. We are rising, we have published one CD and now we are on tour, that i'ts cold Conquest Of Hispania, and we play around Spain, the cd have graet reviews and our concerts too. I hope that in the future, we sing with a record label.
My contribution with the society, being musician, I don't know, and my contribution with the archeology, is find and help to know about our ancestors. But I don't think about the contribution, I want to do the thing that I want, and I don't care the society, because I hate it.