In my oral presentation I will talk about my, or our feelings of every metalhead about the metal. For start, the metal is no satanic music, the society says that but I don't now, it's a liar.
A person with a t-shirt of a metal band, is not a really metalhead, because he can listen a lot of kinds of music. The true Metalhead or the true Metal people only listen metal, and they love, listen, and feel this kind of music to the death, because it's a really stron music, with fantastic lyrics, really haviers riffs of the guitars and the drummers use the duble pedal that it's a brutal sound.
The metal have a lot of subgenres and every metalhead have their favorites subgenres. For exemple, my favorite subgenres are the Death Metal, that the souns os really strong and talk about death, the Viking Metal that it's the same of the Death Metal but the only different is that talk about Viking death, the Black Metal that, the Black Metal is the only kind of Metal that talk about Satan, the Power Metal that talk about dragons, swords, shields, fantastic world, the Thrash Metal, this is the more funny because talk about revoution, destroy..etc..., the Heavy Metal and more, but my favorite subgenre is the Viking Metal.
The metal is not only music, it's a style of life, because we do everything with metal, we sleep with metal, we eat with metal, we wake up with metal, we go out with metal. it's bery special because the metal not talk about history love like the pop music, talk about the reality of the world, like the wars the death.... And if you love this music, qhen you litsen a song you feel free, and you can feel that you can start to play the guitar and arrive playing in a great band, for example me, that I satart to play the guitar 4 or 5 years ago and now I play in Asterium, and now we just finish to realise our first album, the genre is Viking/ Death Metal.
I want talk about the Metal concerts too, that are very strange and dengerous.
If you go a Metal concert you can see a lot of peopel with long hair, moving his hair. And we have a really stange dance that calls Mosh Pit, and in the dance we fight.
For finish I tink that the Metal rules and it's the best music on the world.
dilluns, 27 de setembre del 2010

The last August, the Norway archeologists find an ancient viking town in good state, near of Laerdal (Sogn og Fjordane). Is de most ancient viking town that archeologists find, and they find more than 30. For the dry climate , the handicraft objects are well preserved.
Is really important because we can know more about the vikings culture.And for me it's very interesting because I will study archeology or Antropology.
dilluns, 20 de setembre del 2010

Salt is a woman spy of the C.I.A. One men, that is a russian spy, say that Salt is a russian spy too. She escape because the C.I.A agents wants interrogate. The C.I.A officer think that she is a russian spy and she have use her abylities for hide and demostrate that she's not a russian spy.
- Director: Phillip Noyce
- Production company: Columbia Pictures, Di Bonaventura Pictures
- scriptwriter: Brian Helgeland, Kurt Wimmer
- Actors: Angelina Jolie, Liev Schreider, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Zoe Lister Jones, Gaius Charles
- Gender: Action
Country: United States - Duration: 1 h 40 m
- Year: 2009
Wacken Open Air

In Germany, 20 years ago a metal festival began where there were only little bands. Today, it is the best metal festival in the world. Every metalhead wants to go to Germany to see his favorite bands in this festival. You can see diferents kinds of metal, power metal, death metal, vicking metal, thrash metal.... But Wacken is not only music, it's a metal world in 3 days. In the field, you can find a street market, pubs and restaurants. I will go there next summer, the ticket is very cheap, 125€ but I have to buy the aeroplane ticket too, so it is one of my dreams, and I will go.
dimarts, 7 de setembre del 2010
Hi, I'm sebas and I just back to my interrail through europe. I had to work in the summer with my mother for pay my journey. I went with my girldfriend.The 23 of August we started the interrai for Paris, in here we stayed 3 days and two nights and then we went to Frankfurt, Germany. Frankfurt was very boring because its a normal city, and therefore we enter to every pub that we saw, and drank big beers. In the morning of the next day we went to Amsterdam, the best city on the world, its very funny, because the bitches are in the streets and this is normal in Amsterdam, and there are many coffeshops, when you can smoke marihuana, and eat cakes of marihuana, its grate, its the oposite of every country. The next destiny are Praha, Praha are very beatiful city and we found a mediaval pab that was great, when the bears were very cheap. For finish the interrail, Vienna, Its a beatiful city but are boring. The 5 of September we returned to spain. Was my best experience.
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